Monday, January 25, 2010

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Emrates Critical Care Conference

Date April 25-27, 2010
Venue Intercontinental Dubai, Festival City, UAE

On behalf of International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society (IPACCMS) and Emirates Intensive Care Society (EICS) , in cooperation with Dubai Health Authority ,it gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to Emirates Critical Care Conference - Dubai 2010 in conjunction with 2nd Asia Africa Conference of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSICCM).

Dubai Health Authority ,it gives me immense pleasure to invite you all to Emirates Critical Care Conference - Dubai 2010 in conjunction with 2nd Asia Africa Conference of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSICCM).
The event is being held under the patronage of H. H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance and President of Dubai Health Authority at the InterContinental Hotel Dubai Festival City, Event Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from April 25-27, 2010. ECCC-Dubai 2010 is organized by Infomed Events LLC.

The conference focuses on two main themes this year: -

“Patient Safety in ICU, the Ultimate Goal.”
International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society (IPACCMS)

“World of Critical Care Meeting in Dubai to Exchange the Latest Updates.”
Emirates Intensive Care Society

Methods of Scientific Educational Track in Emirates Critical Care Conference – ECCC Dubai 2010 in conjunction with 2nd Asia Africa Conference of the WFSICCM (Pedagogy) include:

Thematic Sessions
Continuing Professional Development Sessions
Meet the Experts group
Pro-Con Debates (Controversies)
Poster Presentations
Industry Sponsored Sessions
Industry Sponsored Workshops

In conjunction with the conference, an exhibition is held in relation to the same subjects mentioned above. With exhibitors from countries around the globe, participants are given an opportunity to experience the latest medical technologies available.

Dr. Hussain N. Al Rahma
Read More About the Conference

Rheumatology Exhibition & Conference

Date 10-12 October 2010
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

"It was a nice experience collaborating with the Rheumatology Exhibition & Conference. Our invitees highly commended the scientific extensiveness of the programme and the medical expertise of the speakers. They appreciated the high level of organisation and attention to detail. We all look forward to the next Rheumatology Exhibition & Conference and another joint venture aimed at advancing medical knowledge and updating strategies in osteoporosis."Ali Sleiman, Product Manager, Les Laboratoires Servier Gulf Representative Office
Read more about the conference

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The 6th Emirates Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference at Al Bustan Hotel Dubai, UAE

Date : On April 7th to 9th, 2010
Venue : Al Bustan Hotel Dubai, UAE
Organizer Infomed Events L.L.C, P. O. Box: 86194 - Dubai - UAE / GMT+4, Tel: +971 4 2689040 - Fax: +971 4 2689030

Message from Conference Chairman
On behalf of the members of the Emirates Medical Association GI Division (EMAGI), it gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all to the 6th Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference, EGHC 2010.I am honored to welcome world-renowned experts who will discuss the latest clinical updates on hot topics in gastroenterology and hepatology.

The introduction of new drugs, new applications and new therapies has created a new range of approaches to many important areas of GI disease and patient care. A wide spectrum of important and hot topics in the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology will be discussed by a group of international and regional experts.

On day one, topics relevant to common upper and lower digestive disorders will be covered including GERD, dyspepsia, H. pylori infection, ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.

Day two will cover important liver disorders including fatty liver, viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis.

Day three will be dedicated to oncology and surgery covering stomach cancer, colon cancer, hepatcellular carcinoma, obesity and bariatric surgery.

In addition important topics relevant to pediatric GI and nutrition will be discussed.

The aim of our conference is to discuss ways to incorporate the latest clinical updates into patient care and what is on the horizon that may impact our practice.

This conference is designed for Adult and Pediatric gastroenterologists, surgeons and internists interested in the latest information on diagnostic GI and state of the art treatment of these illnesses.
I wish you all the best and I hope to see you in April 2010 to make this conference a great success.

Web site Address

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



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Date : 17-19 October 2010
Visitors Registration - Click Here
Conference web site - Click Here

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